i. The election will come up 2nd of December, 2024. ii. All regular academic staff whose name appear on the Voter’s list of each School will constitute the voters in the School and will be eligible to vote. iii. E-voting system is approved for the election. iv. Intimidating or coercing voters is an electoral misconduct that attracts huge penalty.
i. Only Chief Lecturers are eligible to contest for the post of Dean in each School. (see: Revised copy of condition of service page 3, number 12). ii. All academic staff of each school are eligible to cast their vote for any candidate of their choice in the respective schools. iii. Senior lecturer and above within the school can sponsor candidate vying for the post of Dean. iv. Each contestant is expected to have chosen and register his/her agent at the General Services Division 4 working days ahead of the election. v. Library staff and staff who are newly converted into academic cadre are not eligible to participate in the election. vi. Unopposed candidates must pull two-third of the total vote in the contesting school before declaring as the winner. vii. Position of Sub-Dean in each School be equivalent to that of Dean.
i. Each voter is expected to vote at his/her convenient location. Not necessarily in the College. ii. A random and convenient venue will be chosen and communicated to agents for the monitoring of the election.
i. Training for Deans on Leadership and emotional intelligence in handling offices will be conducted in announced date.